About Contrapuntal Music & Conflict

Contrapuntal Music & Conflict explores the relationships between music, conflict and community. Music is heard in places affected by conflict and played by people coping with conflict. Music is powerful. People express themselves through it. Music affects how people feel at a point in time. Music can be a means to bring people together, to communicate but can also exacerbate conflicts and be used to harm.

Conflict affects music-for instance, music is written in response to experiences of war. Conflicts can affect what music is allowed by authorities and also provide new influences on and opportunities for music making.

Musicians affect conflict. Some music-makers create opportunities for people to express themselves through music, to come together with opponents to build peace and some exacerbate conflict through their music.

Contrapuntal Music & Conflict music aims to :

  • Share information about the music-making taking places in places affected by conflict
  • To build understanding on the relationships and dynamics between music, communities and conflict
  • To build understanding about the impacts that music can have in particular to support people coping with conflict and in the rebuilding communities affected by conflict.
  • To build support for opportunities for music-making in humanitarian and development responses in conflict affected areas.

Counterpoint is the relationship between voices which are independent in rhythm and contour but inter-dependent harmonically. Dissonance can be a feature of counterpoint as different musical lines clash but are still within an overall, harmonious whole. Counterpoint provides a useful metaphor for people living together in a positive and constructive society – there can be disagreements, differences within the group but it can still make up a harmonious whole. People working in places affected by conflict aim to rebuild peace in communities and find ways for people to live together harmoniously who previously fought.